The conversation has started. Are you ready?
Help create positive momentum. Let’s work together to increase memorialization by taking part.
Through your participation in the Have the Talk of a Lifetime campaign, you will help people in your community discover unique life stories of the people who matter most to them. These discussions can help families and friends make important decisions about how they wish to remember and honor the lives of their loved ones through meaningful memorialization and understand the important role that funeral professionals play in the memorialization process.
The Have the Talk of a Lifetime campaign began as a grassroots campaign. That means that local funeral homes and suppliers throughout the country – funeral professionals like you – have the tools to share educational materials with consumers in their community.

The national media campaign is here!
This campaign calls nationwide consumer attention to the Have the Talk of a Lifetime education campaign.
A variety of easy-to-use, customizable campaign materials are available to help you answer consumer questions and for sharing with your community.

Funeral Directors / Suppliers
Use our “How To” guide to help you develop a plan to use the brochure, workbook, videos, print and digital ads, social media tools, consumer website and more!
Association Members
Access tools and materials you can use to help educate your members about this important initiative. Please contact your national association for login information.
It is critical that funeral homes and suppliers get involved in Have the Talk of a Lifetime. It is your involvement that will help us begin to change consumer opinions and attitudes toward memorialization. For years, people who work in funeral service – myself included – have been asking for a national campaign to educate the public about the value of memorialization. Have the Talk of a Lifetime is that campaign we have been looking for. I ask for your help in making this campaign a huge success.